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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Save the Indian Tiger

Save the Indian Tiger

Help humans to save face, support WWF

Preliminary reports indicate that tiger numbers in India have declined
sharply from 3642 individuals in 2002 as per Project Tiger estimates to
somewhere around 1,500 tigers in 2007, a drop of a whopping 60%! The range
of the tiger is reduced to a mere 7% what it was a hundered years ago.
Indeed,  wild tiger numbers may have reached a level from where recovery
may be near impossible if drastic measures are not taken on an urgent
basis. The time has come when every concerned citizen stands up in support
for tigers in the wild.

To muster the support of citizens across India and the globe WWF-India, the
country's largest non-governmental organization working for wildlife
conservation has started a signature campaign. To know more about WWF-India
you may visit our website at

If you care for wild tigers and feel that they belong to the forests, where
their original home is, please lend your voice for their cause by signing
online at

If you wish to make a contribution to this cause, please follow the link
given on this page.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


In the calm of desolation
Wanting to breakFrom
this circle of confusion

In the depths of isolation
Trying to wake
From this daydream of illusion

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

It challenges the essence of my soul
And leaves me in a state of disconnection
As I navigate the maze of self control
Playing a lion being led to a cage

I turn from a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me

[Misunderstood lyrics on]

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from surreal to seclusion
From love to disdain
From belief to delusion
From a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How not to pay taxes

WARSAW (Reuters) - Red tape is preventing a Polish man from returning from the dead.

Piotr Kucy, 38 and from the city of Polkowice in southwest Poland, was wrongly identified by authorities last August as a drowned man, only to show up a few days after his own funeral.

Despite pointing out the fact that he was alive to government officials, Kucy still remains dead in official records, stopping him from working and paying social insurance.

But on the bright side, a local newspaper reported on Tuesday, he no longer needs to pay taxes. read more...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pontigrity (from Once upon a Time in Asstralia)

"Johnny, Johnny"
"Yes, Papa"
"Eating sugar?"
"No, Papa"
"Telling Lies?"
"No, Papa"
"Open your mouth"
"I think if you are actually questioning my integrity ..., you should not be standing here."

No points for guessing who this Johny is!!!