Apprentice Seasion Three
Today my favourite TV show "The Apprentice:Part 3" aired on India. Last season as I watched it, I felt the need for speaking my mind about some of the decisions made( as if that mattered! ). But now I got my blog to give a url to my random thoughts. Today's episode was a good one. Though the choice of people looks a bit odd - we must remember that the ultimate value of a TV show is viewer's attention and the Donald must give that through colourful array of contestants. The teams were divided as "The Booksmarts" vs "The Streetsmarts" - nice labels. Their job was to make, market and sell burgers for the "Burger King". Streetsmarts won, but in the boardroom, a good decision was taken. There was a guy called Danny who looks simply ridiculous on the surface(though very creative with his musical ideas,writes Rock Operas, has worked with Medialab MIT, is the CEO of his own corp which has Fortune 500 clients and more,my soft corner is ROCK MUSIC!)- tries to be a business leader in hippy outfit! But for this particular task, the booksmarts lost due to poor leadership from Todd, a sales exec. He looked very impressive, seemed to be in charge and delegate everything properly and when the moment came, nothing seemed to be in order!! And in the boardroom, everyone other than Kendra tried to make a scapegoat out of Danny. But this time, unlike the case of Andy in season 2, the Donald did the proper thing - fired Todd whose actions led to the loss. He was the main reason.
Anyway, the season promises to be exciting with the fight being labelled as successful high-school passouts vs fresh,high-profile college grads. I'll be glued to the scene on friday nights - despite all the compulsions to be a profittable TV program, The Apprentice still remains an enjoyable business case study. Keep it up, NBC.
I think that the apprentice always comes up with this stupid stereoptypical ways for making teams. Earlier it was boys vs girls, now street-smarts vs book smarts, whats next: east coast vs west coast, catholics vs protestants, or even dumber the beauties vs beasts
Ya....I agree...point is Trump & Burntt always sacrifice quality to attract viewers......they try to make the ads look like WWE promos by adding that Clash of the Titas flavour. Since that sells.....they don't care how dumb it is. I think that is the problem with good things when they become public property and sadly, stop being good!
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