Dear Sayan,
It's that time of year again: The ice floes off the Canadian coast are about to turn red with the blood of the countless baby harp seals who are slaughtered for their fur.
Words cannot describe the cruelty of the annual seal "hunt," which is really more of a massacre and will begin in just a few days. To stop this yearly atrocity, we must generate an international outcry against the Canadian government. I hope that you will support PETA's public call for an end to this slaughter by immediately taking two important actions:
Canada's annual seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine animals on Earth. Last year, more than 330,000 baby harp seals were beaten to death so that they could be made into fur coats, collars, and cuffs. The Canadian government claims that hunters only kill adult seals, but 97 percent of the seals killed last year were less than 3 months of age.
Most of these seals are too young to realize that they should try to escape when their killers approach. They lie totally vulnerable on the ice as their heads are bashed in with clubs. Many are dragged across the ice—still conscious—with boat hooks. Often these sensitive animals are
skinned alive for their fur. Their bodies are left to rot on the ice because there is no market for their meat.
The Canadian government has authorized hunters to kill more than 335,000 harp seals this year—one of the largest quotas in history. There is no place in the 21st century for this wanton and frivolous cruelty. Canada must end this abomination, but it will take a lot of pressure to compel the government to stop the hunt.
Please support PETA's global campaign to stop the baby seal hunt and raise awareness about the cruelty of fur. Your contribution will have an immediate impact on our ability to pressure the Canadian government.
Thank you for your determination to end this terrible injustice.
For all animals,

Ingrid E. Newkirk
P.S. Governments respond to public pressure.
Please help us meet our goal of 50,000 signatures and tell Prime Minister Harper that Canada will face international condemnation until it brings an end to its annual seal hunt. Then help PETA bring even greater pressure to bear on the Canadian government and the international fur trade by
making a generous online donation.
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