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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Most Popular Editorials: 'To-day and To-morrow': The 100-year-old book series that predicted a wild and wonderful future


'To-day and To-morrow': The 100-year-old book series that predicted a wild and wonderful future    

One hundred years ago, towards the end of 1923, the geneticist JBS Haldane published a short book imagining the world that lay ahead. Fewer than 100 pages long, Daedalus, or Science and the Future was an extraordinary whistle-stop tour of all the sciences, taking in everything from the future of human reproduction to energy generation.The book became a sensation, and was arguably one of the first works of science communication to have a wider cultural impact. As well as influencing other scientists, it was read by writers, artists, activists and even politicians like Winston Churchill.

Continued here

Why the GOP Doesn't Really Want a Deal on Ukraine and the Border    

The congressional opposition to the president’s funding request explained—as far as it can beThat was the response I got from a congressional staffer when I pressed for some details, any details, on what really separated Democrats from Republicans on aid to Ukraine.

Continued here

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